Other Deaf Friendly Services and Churches
Catholic Deaf Church has Mass every 2nd Sunday of the month at Pompallier House, 30 New Street, Ponsonby at 12 lunch time. They have Mass at 12 lunch time with shared lunch to follow. Use the back entrance at Pompallier House. Services are signed and shown on PowerPoint.
New Lynn Salvation Army, 32 Delta Avenue, New Lynn. Services are 10.00am on Sunday with interpreters. There is a Children’s Church for CODAs. Contact is Jennifer Sua 021 140 3516 – text only. The services run all year – even in January.

Church Unlimited – 3 Te Atatu Road, Glendene. Services at 9am. Services are signed.
Crossroads Methodist Church 25 Broadway, Papakura at 9.30 am. Services are printed. Please ask for a printed full copy of the service from a person on the door.
Equippers Church – services in Central Auckland, Manukau, Pukekohe and North Shore. One service is signed. Meeting place and time of interpreted service change. Please call or text Kristina on 027 424 9621 for the time the service will be interpreted and where service will meet.
Shine TV (Channel 25) at 12 lunch time have a sign interpreted service.
Devonport Methodist Church – 18 Owens Road, Devonport at 10 am. All the service is printed with a few powerpoint slides. Please ask for a copy of the printed service from the person at the door.
Please let ADCF know of any church services that are Deaf Friendly.
either tell Michelle or use the contacts form on the contacts page to let us know